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OSEA Constitution
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   Event Calendar OSEA Documents & Meeting Minutes Constitution
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PRESIDENT: Vicki Sue Loehrs
VP / SECRETARY: Tina Winzeler



Section 1 - Name

The name of the Association shall be the Oklahoma State Electrologists Association and shall be made up of Registered Electrologists licensed by the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.

Section 2 - Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to provide direction and leadership for quality electrolysis practice, education, and research and to represent and protect the interest of the electrology profession and the public it serves.


Section 1 - Meetings

The meetings of this Association shall be held biannually; the fiscal year beginning July 1.

a) General Meetings
The first meeting of the year shall be a general meeting.

b) Annual Meeting
The last meeting of the fiscal year shall be the annual meeting. The biennial election of the officers shall be held and all business brought to close.

c) Special Meetings
The President may call a special meeting when deemed necessary or at the request of two-thirds of the active members.

Section 2 - Time and Place

The time and date for each succeeding meeting is to be determined by the members prior to the close of each meeting. The place will be determined by the officers at least one month prior to the meeting.


Section 1 - Officers

The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice President/Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2 - Elections

An election of officers shall be conducted by ballot during the annual meeting of every even numbered year.


All funds of the Oklahoma State Electrologists Association shall be in the care and keeping of the Treasurer who shall bank them in a banking institution approved by the members of the Association. All financial records and accounts shall be available and open for inspection at any time upon demand of the membership. The Treasurer shall be authorized to carry a petty cash account of funds amounting to a sum not to exceed $25.00 with which to purchase small items of expense such as postage, etc. A record of the petty cash fund shall be maintained and open for inspection at any time. Bills must first be approved by the members of the Association and then paid by check, except for items paid from petty cash fund or otherwise provided for by this instrument. No one shall be authorized to pay any bills or make any disbursements without the approval of the Association. If for any reason the Oklahoma State Electrologists Association shall disband or pass out of existence, the disposition of funds in its possession and its assets shall be determined by vote of the active members of the Association in good standing at the time of dissolution.


Section 1 - Amendments

This Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of all members present and voting, provided the proposed amendments have been mailed to all members of this Association at least one month preceding the meeting. This Constitution may be amended at any meeting without previous notice by an unanimous vote of all members present and voting.

Section 2 - Dissolution

The Oklahoma State Electrologists Association may be dissolved by a two-thirds vote of all the members during an annual meeting or a special meeting called for said purpose after written notice has been mailed to all members of this Association at least one month preceding the meeting. In the event of dissolution of said Association, its affairs shall be liquidated by three commissioners, who shall be elected at said meeting.



ARTICLE I. Title and Function


The name of this Association shall be the Oklahoma State Electrologists Association.


The functions of this Association shall be as set forth in the Constitution, Article I, Section 2, and also the following:

a) Correlate the study and practice of ethical electrology within the state of Oklahoma.

b) Encourage improvement and maintenance of high educational standards within the profession.

c) Promote improvement of relations between the electrolysis profession, the allied professions, and the general public.

d) Disseminate information about the practice of electrolysis and other methods of hair removal to the allied professions and the general public.

e) Establish fellowship among the persons practicing the profession of electrolysis.

f) Provide a forum for discussion of professional problems/issues.

g) Make recommendations to the state Electrology Advisory Committee.


The mailing address of the OSEA shall be that of the Secretary.

ARTICLE II. Membership


An active member is one who meets the requirements of the Constitution, Article I, Section I, residing in the State of Oklahoma.

Applicant must be: At least 21 years of age and a licensed and Registered Electrologist of the State of Oklahoma.


An inactive member has the before stated requirements of an active member but resides out of the state. An inactive member shall have no voting powers; neither shall be eligible for any office in the Association nor represent this group in any manner.


The amount of the annual dues of all members of the Association shall be determined by the vote of the members and shall be payable on or before July 1st of each year. Notices shall be mailed to members whose dues are not paid and dues not collected within three months after due date shall automatically suspend membership status. Reinstatement shall be made upon receipt of dues and at the option of the membership (see Section 4 below).


The Association may revoke, suspend, dismiss, or not renew any membership to this Association as disciplinary action for failure to comply with the regulations herein set forth.



The officers of this Association shall be President, Vice President/Treasurer, Secretary, and any other office necessary to conduct the affairs of this Association.


The election of the officers shall be conducted during the annual meeting every even numbered year held in the final quarter of the fiscal year. Nominees to office must have completed a minimum of one year's active membership in the Association to be eligible and be members in good standing.


The term of office of all officers elected at the designated meeting shall commence at the beginning of the ensuing fiscal year.


Officers shall not be permitted to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.


Officers of the Association and Chairmen of Standing Committees of the Association shall notify the President of the Association in writing and send a duplicate to the Secretary when they are no longer able or willing to perform their duties but shall continue in said capacity for a reasonable time to allow for choosing of a successor.


In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, the Vice President/Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the Vice President/Treasurer or the Secretary, a successor shall be elected.


Any person serving more than half of a term to fill a vacancy in an office shall be deemed to have served a full term.

ARTICLE IV. Duties of the Officers


The President shall:

a) Appoint standing and special committees with the approval of the Association.

b) Preside at all meetings of the Association and conduct them by formal order of business.

c) Co-sign all official correspondence and/or authenticated documents of this Association.

d) Represent the Association, along with a delegate (and/or alternate), when necessary.


The Vice President/Treasurer shall:

a) In the absence of the President, assume the duties of the President.

b) Assume duties assigned by the President.

c) In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, assume the duties of the President.

d) Sign with the President all official correspondence and/or authenticated documents of the Association.

e) Keep itemized account of all receipts and disbursements and give a written report at the annual meeting of the OSEA.

f) Have books ready and allow annual audit of records by committee appointed by the Association.

g) Deliver to the newly elected Treasurer all monies, vouchers, books and papers of the Association with a report covering all transactions for previous year. The retiring Treasurer shall make the delivery after a complete audit.


The Secretary shall:

a) Keep a record of all the regular and special meetings of the Association and read them to the membership for correction and approval; and if necessary, read designated records at the annual meeting.

b) Keep an up-to-date and correct roll or register of all active and inactive members, and addresses of same.

c) Maintain a list of all standing and special committees; and enter endorsed and dated reports from Chairmen of these committees for Association records.

d) Type minutes of above stated meetings in duplicate.

e) Provide all records to any member at reasonable times, as all records of the Association are open.

f) Maintain all records from the office of the Secretary to be a part of the Association's permanent file.


The duties of Standing Committees shall be:

a) Constitution and By-Laws Committee

1) Keep the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association current.

b) Continuing Education Committee

1) Plan programs and/or projects to further the education of the members of the Association.

c) Historian and Public Relations Committee

1) Preserve the records of the Association as designated by the Association.

2) Maintain a record of data and publications submitted to the Association concerning its
members, sister associations and societies, and news releases regarding the profession.

d) Parliamentarian

1) Serve as parliamentarian of the Association.


It shall be considered an offense for officers to be absent from two consecutive meetings and any officers or committee members failing to attend, for two consecutive sessions, without accepted recognition from the Association, and/or persistent failure to perform duties shall be dismissed from office upon action of the Association.


Officers of this Association shall serve without pecuniary remuneration for their time and efforts. No parts of fees derived from the Association shall be used to promote any one person except in form of reasonable compensation of employees of such organization, as deemed by the Association.

ARTICLE V. Nominations and Elections


a) A nominating committee, appointed by the President, shall present its ballot to the membership. Nominees shall have consented to serve before being place on the ballot.

b) Any member having a candidate for office may present name and qualifications to nominating committee for endorsement and write-in on ballot, or nominations may be made from the floor, at the designated time, on roll call, by the Secretary if nominee has consented to serve if elected.


a) Elections shall be held at the annual meeting held in final quarter of fiscal year every even numbered year.

b) Election shall be by secret ballot and plurality of a majority vote shall elect candidate.

c) An election committee shall be appointed by the President to conduct the election and report the results to the Association before adjournment.


The quorum of the Association shall be five active members of its body.

ARTICLE VII. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be July 1st through June 30th of the following year.

ARTICLE VIII. Parliamentary Authority

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the Oklahoma State Electrologists Association.

ARTICLE IX. Amendment

The By-Laws of this Association may be amended or revised providing previous notice has been served the membership and upon meeting of those members, revisal must carry a two-thirds vote.